- And because a fuel? cell auto operates on electricity, it also offers simplicity of design, few moving parts, reliability, and low maintenance. 由于燃料电池汽车利用电能工作,因此设计简单、只需更少的活动零件、性能可靠、保养费用低廉。
- And because a fuel cell auto operates on electricity,it also offers simplicity of design,few moving parts,reliability,and low maintenance. 由于燃料电池汽车利用电能工作,因此设计简单、只需更少的活动零件、性能可靠、保养费用低廉。
- And because a strong wind was blowing, the sea was churning. 因为起了大风,海就翻腾起来。
- Jn. 6:18 And because a strong wind was blowing, the sea was churning. 约六18因为起了大风,海就翻腾起来。
- His indifference was a fuel to her hatred. 他无动于衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油。
- I asked the car breaker if he had a fuel pump for a1967 Morris Minor and lo and behold he produced one immediately. 我问汽车修理工他是否有1967年生产的莫里斯·迈纳车的油泵,使我惊奇的是他竟然马上拿出一个来。
- And because a USB port supplies power to peripherals, it will weed out the tangle of power cords and space-hogging power transformers. 由于USB端口向外设提供电源,它就去掉横七竖八的电源线和占空间的电源变压器。
- And because a stapled box is difficult to re-close, the staples act as a deterrent to the thief. 并且,钉合的盒子不容易重新封合,所以可以有效地制止小偷。
- And because a USB port supplies power to peripherals,it will weed out the tangle of power cords and space-hogging power transformers. 由于USB端口向外设提供电源,它就去掉横七竖八的电源线和占空间的电源变压器。
- Spirit should be avoided because a Disc priest receives no benefit towards their spells from it and because very little time is spent outside the FSR. 精神可以被避免因为戒律牧师不能得到任何好处因为戒律牧师总在施法。
- Because so much energy is needed and because a car uses a 12-volt electrical system, hundreds of amps of electricity must flow into the starter motor. 因为带动引擎需要这么多能量,因为汽车使用的是12伏电子系统,所以数百安培的电流必须流过启动马达。
- Some services are subject to a fuel surcharge. 有些服务受燃油附加费管制。
- You are a fuel engineer assigned to Hakodate-maru. 你是函馆号上的核燃料分配员。
- And because a guru, he thought, takes the karma of his disciples he deemed that he was above Srila Prabhupada's order to co-operate with the GBC secretary and the GBC body. 由于身居古茹职位的缘故,他觉得自己可以拿走门徒的业报,故认为可以凌驾于圣帕布帕所发出的“必须与GBC派驻的区域秘书及与管委会本身合作”这一训令之上。
- When powering a fuel cell, the only waste is water. 当为燃料电池供电时,惟一损耗的就是水。
- And because of the side effect, her blood pressure once became zero and she was survived because a group of doctors, including the doctors from CCU, happened to check the patient. 而且,因为治疗的副作用,病人一度发生心脏衰竭,血压降为零,幸好很多医生(包括心脏重症监护室CCU的太夫)正好巡查,经过及时抢救,病人得以复生。
- As a fuel, lignin is worth around $44 a metric ton. 当做燃料的木素,价值约为每公吨44美元。
- If your zip stuck, it may be because a thread has caught. 如果你的拉链拉不动,那有可能是因为有根线卡住了。
- Because more and more people move to the city, and because a lot of people are rich enough to afford private cars, broad roads and large parking lots are soon crowded with various kinds of vehicles. 因为愈来愈多的人们搬迁到都市来,并且因为很多人富裕得能购买私家车,宽广的马路以及大的停车场不久就又挤满各类的交通工具。
- And because of that, many people have caught cold. 就是因为这样,许多人都感冒了。